Guardians of Order to Publish Anime Artbooks

Guardians Of Order, publishers of the Sailormoon and Big Eyes, Small Mouth RPGs, has entered into a joint venture with Pioneer to produce Japanese-style guidebooks to numerous Pioneer licensed anime titles including Fushigi Yugi, Serial Experiments Lain, NieA_7 and Soul Taker.

These books will constitute a new “Ultimate Fan Guide” line of 128 page (80 in color) $19.95 US/$28.95 Canadian reference guides. These guides will feature detailed episode summaries, in-depth character profiles, setting/theme analysis, hundreds of images from the series, and many pages of production line art. Additionally, the books will contain game stats for each major character in the specific anime series that are compatible with Guardians Of Order’s Big Eyes, Small Mouth anime role-playing game and its other Tri-Stat System RPGs. The first book in the series, Serial Experiment Lain Ultimate Fan Guide, will debut in October.


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