Ask John: Why do Anime Characters Fall when Something Silly or Stupid Happens?

I was wondering why anime characters fall over every time something silly or stupid happens? Like in the Dragonball series for example, Goku can be in the middle of a battle fighting and he can say, ” Hey, can we have a food break? I’m starving!” and Piccolo, Krillin and company will all fall down. I mean, most likely, someone would say “Oh Goku,” or “That’s our Goku,” or say something like that, but anime characters always fall. Why is that?

Remember that most anime is based on manga- black & white comics, and that’s where this sight gag may have originated. The most logical explanation is that because it may sometimes be difficult to illustrate shock or surprise from several different characters at once in comic art, the easiest way to represent this reaction is through an obvious visual pun or clue. In accordance with the visual storytelling style of manga, the most effective way to show characters “floored with disbelief” is to literally show them falling to the ground. Naturally it’s not expected that this be taken as a literal representation of reality, just as no one would expect to see a light-bulb floating above the head of someone suddenly illuminated by a bright idea. Some manga and anime play with the convention by making characters fall over repeatedly, or by showing the characters getting back to their feet after falling over, but this is once again intended to be taken as exactly what it is- a visual gag, not a representation of “reality.”


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