Ask John: Where Can I Get the Inuyasha Movies?

Is there an Inuyasha Movie 3? What kind of store can I get the other Japanese Inuyasha movies on DVD?

There are presently 2 Inuyasha movies, with the third movie scheduled for Japanese theatrical release this December. As of this writing, none of the Inuyasha movies have been announced for American release.

Currently, only the first Inuyasha movie, “Inuyasha: Toki wo Koeru Omoi” is available on official, licensed Japanese DVD. The Japanese DVD contains no English language translation, costs 6,000 yen (roughly $51 American), and is encoded for compatibility only with Region 2 DVD players. That means that the imported Japanese Inuyasha DVD will not play on a standard, unmodified American DVD player.

Inuyasha movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo will go on sale on Japanese DVD on August 21st. The disc will retail at 6300 yen ($52 US) and is not expected to include any English translation.

AnimeNation and certain other reputable, reliable online based anime retailers can import the first Inuyasha movie DVD for you. You may have seen or heard of Inuyasha DVDs that have optional English and Chinese subtitles. Allow me to assure you that all of the currently existing Inuyasha DVDs that contain optional subtitles are illegal, unlicensed bootlegs manufactured by Chinese and Taiwanese video pirates.


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