Upcoming CPM DVDs

Central Park Media has released some information about their upcoming DVD releases. The box set of the first season of Slayers will be released September 19th with the 26 episodes series on four discs. Special features include “Meet the Cast,” actors’ bios, graphic novel focus, sneak peeks, interactive menus, chapter stops and Japanese and English vocal tracks. DVD-ROM features will include an art gallery (includes Japanese packaging), character gallery, cast, scripts, graphic novel pages, character sketches and reviews. The first volume of the fantasy action/comedy series Maze will also be released September 19th. The disc will have a run time of 85 minutes and include Japanese and English audio tracks. Central Park Media’s next box set, Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight, will be released October 17th. Special features will include character sketches, comics, an information booklet, cast page, sneak peeks, interactive menus and chapter stops. DVD-ROM features will include character sketches and profiles, Japanese packaging, a complete Lodoss information guide, script, artwork and comics.

Source: DVD Animania


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