Top Ten Japanese TV Anime

The “Anime News of the World website” has released a list of the top ten anime programs on Japanese TV for the month of February. None of these shows has yet been licensed in the US. According to the report, the American import Powerpuff Girls is climbing the chart, having made its way up to #13 on the list. It’s no surprise that Doremi ranked #1 as it’s been the most popular anime TV series in Japan for the past year or two, but this shoujo title is getting serious competition from the goofy action-comedy Chikyu Bouei Kazoko (Earth Defense Family), which debuted in January and is already a major presence in the world of Japanese TV anime.

1. Oja-Majo Doremi [probably actually the second series, Oja Majo Doremi #]
2. Chikyu Bouei Kazoko
3. Gear Fighter Dendou
4. Inuyasha
5. Chikyu Shoujo Arjuna
6. Hunter x Hunter
7. Argent Soma
8. Daa! Daa! Daa!
9. One Piece
10. Hiou Senki



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