The UK Bans Grotesque


The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) has officially refused to grant a certificate (rating) to writer/director Koji Shiraishi’s recently released live action “torture porn” horror movie Grotesque, thereby rendering the film illegal to distribute on home video in the UK. Municipalities throughout the UK do have the right to grant permissions for local theatrical screenings of films not classified by the BBFC.

BBFC director David Cooke explains, “Unlike other recent ‘torture’-themed horror works, such as the Saw and Hostel series, Grotesque features minimal narrative or character development and presents the audience with little more than an unrelenting and escalating scenario of humiliation, brutality and sadism. The chief pleasure on offer seems to be in the spectacle of sadism (including sexual sadism) for its own sake… Rejecting a work outright is a serious matter and the board considered whether the issue could be dealt with through cuts. However, given the unacceptable content featured throughout cutting the work is not a viable option in this case and the work is therefore refused a classification.”

Evidently the film described as “the cruellest Japanese splatter movie ever” has been deemed just too much for Britain.

Source: Twitch

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