Season Four DBZ in Canada

AnimeNation received the following public e-mail, regarding Dragonball, from Canadian television broadcaster YTV:

“YTV has now aired all of the new episodes that we have and are currently airing repeats of the 102 episodes we have. You will be happy to know that we will have more new episodes of Dragonball Z in September. This is all the information regarding DBZ that we are able to provide you with at this time. Please be patient, and note that we cannot yet answer any questions regarding whether we will acquire other sagas (ie. Dragonball GT) or how many new episodes we intend to air in the Fall. We can tell you, however, that we not be able to show the original Dragonball series, as we no longer have the rights to air this show. There are also no plans at this time to air any of the DBZ movies.”


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