Sailor Moon Letter in EW

The June 16th issue of Entertainment Weekly printed a letter about Sailor Moon on its “Mail” page. The letter, from Carol L. Walker of Tampa, printed under the heading “Sailor’s Delight,” rebuffs a critique of the video release of Sailor Moon S: Hearts in Ice. “It’s true that the English version of Sailor Moon S is a dog and howls at the moon (video). But Wook Kim’s throw-away dismissal of the entire Sailor Moon series only shows that he doesn’t get it. The silliness of Sailor Moon enables it to get away with exploring issues like feminine empowerment and even tolerance of homosexuality. I would not describe Sailor Moon as enchantment for ‘impressionable 6-year-old girls and creepy middle-age men.’ I am a married, 47-year-old woman, and my 6-year-old son and I genuinely enjoy watching Sailor Moon.”


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