Power Puff Girls At Subway

Cartoon Network will be running a Power Puff Girls promotion at Subway restaurants from August 21st to October 1, 2000. The four themed items included in Subway’s Kids’ Pak include “Sleepytime Bubbles,” a small figurine whose eyes close when laid horizontally upon her bed of clouds and re-open when standing vertically; “Blossom Beauty,” a doll with a “real” red ponytail whose stand also serves as a small brush for kids; “Flying Buttercup,” an action-doll that can be launched into flight from its base, which depicts the city of Townsville; and “Ray Gun Mojo Jojo,” a translucent figurine containing a trigger mechanism that produces sparks in the ray gun of arch villain, Mojo Jojo.

Source: Raving Toy Maniac


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