No Third Tenchi Muyo OAV Series has posted information gleaned from the Nan Desu Kon 2000 convention, including the “official” word from Hiroki Hayashi and Kazuya Tanaka from AIC that there are no plans for a third Tenchi Muyo OAV series.

“In our interview with Mr. Hiroki Hayashi, we asked about the mythical third Tenchi OVA. His response was that he did not know of anything and he believed that there were no plans at AIC for a third OVA series. This was confirmed by Mr. Tanaka who agreed with Mr. Hayashi. Mr Tanaka is a sound director for AIC and as he puts it: “There are many producers like Mr Hayashi at AIC, but there are very few sound directors.” We believe if there was a third Tenchi series in the works, Mr. Tanaka would have known about it. Sorry folks, keep signing those petitions, or better yet, write letters.”


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