Nintendo Says No to Square

Nintendo company president Hiroshi Yamauchi has made some very scathing public comments regarding Nintendo, Squaresoft and Microsoft.

Even after Squaresoft very subtly hinted that upgraded re-releases of Final Fantasy games 3-6 would be released on the Gameboy Advance, Yamauchi stated that Nintendo has, “no contract with Square, and that matter is not open to further discussion…[Square] can say whatever they want, but we have no intention of signing a contract, and there’s little chance of one being signed in the future.” Yamauchi claimed that the recent announcements of huge pre-orders and new games announced for the upcoming Gameboy Advanced handheld game system are accountable to third party developers, including Squaresoft, flocking to the system “because they’ve got nothing else they can sell.”

Yamauchi continued to emphasize Nintendo’s dominance of the video game market by saying of Bill Gates and the upcoming X-Box, Gates is “a great businessman, but he is only human.” “There is one thing he knows nothing about, and that’s games. If you know nothing about sumo, you can’t expect to take on a yokozuna…I expect even in a year’s time they’ll be able to see the consequences of this.”



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