New Media Blasters Announcements

Media Blasters has announced several new anime releases and licenses.

The Maho Tsukai Tai TV series will debut on subbed and dubbed VHS and bilingual DVD on September 25th. The first volume, “I Wanna Do More,” named after the opening theme song, will include the first 4 of 13 TV episodes. The TV series is a direct continuation of the 6 episode OAV series.

Space Travelers will debut in the US on dubbed VHS and bilingual DVD on September 25th as well. The 1999 “retro” sci-fi film was accompanied in Japan by a live-action adaptation.

Also on September 25th, Media-Blasters will be releasing bilingual DVD versions of the Marriage OAV series, the first 13 episodes of Zenki (formerly released in the US on VHS by Software Sculptors), and both OAV episodes of the hentai series Slight Fever Syndrome.


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