New DVD Announcements from TOKYPOP

In the latest examples of the American anime industry punishing loyal fans that purchase new releases as soon as they become available, TOKYOPOP has announced that the entire Vampire Princess Miyu (Kyuketsuki Miyu) TV series will be released as a single DVD boxed set on November 26th. The set will include all 6 DVDs, a soundtrack CD, and a bonus imported “Mystery Friendship Charm” for a retail price of $99.99, $80 off the price of the individual DVDs.

TOKYOPOP has also announced a “Real Bout High School Holiday Gift Set” for release on October 29th that will include the first Samurai Girl: Real Bout High School DVD in a slipcase with a free copy of the first Real Bout High School graphic novel. The $39.98 value will be available at the regular $29.99 cost of the first DVD alone.


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