New Domestic Anime CDs

Tokyo Pop has announced that they have officially licensed the rights to produce domestic soundtracks for Trigun, Bubblegum Crisis 2040 and Vampire Princess Miyu. The US release soundtracks will be American pressings of the original Japanese discs, complete with English language liner notes, and the reasonable US price of $14.98 each. The initial 3 offerings from Trigun, Vampire Miyu and the BCG TV series will hit stores on August 23rd.

Tokyopop describes the three CDs in this way:

Trigun Official Soundtrack
Although you might expect an outer-space western like Trigun to have a C&W or honky-tonk score, Trigun’s mixture of hip-hop beats and electronics emphasizes the futuristic nature of the series, which has scored some major U.S. exposure on the Cartoon Network

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Official Soundtrack
This popular cyberpunk series, which comes with its own built-in rock star — Priss–also features a superb digitally mixed techno-rock score fashioned by producer Kouichi Korenaga, who worked with leading members of the Tokyo electronic music avant-garde to give Bubblegum Crisis 2040 its own distinct cyberpunk sound.

Vampire Princess Miyu
This wonderfully gothic anime features haunting compositions by Kenji Kawai, who also created the evocative soundtrack for Ghost in the Shell. Kawai takes many of his themes from Japanese folk music, which gives them a particularly haunting quality that complements Vampire Princess Miyu perfectly.


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