New Detail on Strawberry Egg US Release

Pioneer has revealed that I, My, Me Strawberry Egg will retain its original, full Japanese title for the US release; however the “I, My, Me” part of the title will be significantly minimized for the US release. The Japanese release was 5 DVDs; the US release will be 4 DVDs. The US release will not include reversible covers because doing so would require one original Japanese cover to be left out- in effect, instead of releasing only 4 of 5 Japanese covers in America, Pioneer won’t release any at all.

The DVDs will include most of the supplemental material from the Japanese DVDs featuring two different subtitle tracks- one to translate everything and one for use in conjunction with the English dubbed audio which subtitles only on-screen text. The dialogue subtitles will retain some of the original Japanese family names and terms usually altered for English subtitled versions. These terms will be translated in the liner notes.

Source: Anime on DVD


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