New DBZ Release News

According to a Funimation press release, Funimation has licensed the two 50 minute long Japanese Dragonball Z TV specials for home video release this fall. “Lonely Final Battle,” tentatively titled “Father of Goku” in the US, tells the story of Bardock’s battle against Freezer and the destruction of Planet Vegita. “Resist Despair!! The Ultimate Surviving Fighters: Gohan and Trunks” currently has the tentative US title “Gohen/Trunks.” This special episode tells the story of “Future Trunks'” life and why he came back in time to meet Goku.

Funimation has also announced that the upcoming Dragon Ball Z uncut VHS volumes 37 & 38, Androids: “Assassins” and “Invincible” will each include a “Japanese 3-Card Pack including one ‘Chromium’ card,” while the edited version VHS tapes will each contain 2 chromium stickers.

Funimation has informed AnimeNation that all of the American third season will eventually see DVD release. Currently, Funimation is concentrating on getting the DVDs out as quickly as possible; therefore, episodes will be released on DVD out of order, with the shorter sagas released on DVD first. Following the recently released Ginyu saga (2 DVDs) will be the Trunks story (4 discs), Garlic Jr. (3 discs), and then Frieza (10 discs). Tentatively, after all of these DVDs are available, Funimation will move to simultaneous VHS and DVD releases for new volumes.


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