Legend of Koizumi Manga to be Animated


The advertising obi on new copies of the second volume of Hideki Ohwada’s bizarre “politics x mahjong action” comedy manga series Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku ~ The Legend of Koizumi reveals that the series will be getting an anime adaptation. The manga stars a dramatization of Junichiro Koizumi, prime minister of Japan from 2001-2006, who engages in “mahjong diplomacy” against global dignitaries including George Bush (Sr. and W.), Kim Jong-il, Vladimir Putin, Margaret Thatcher, and the Pope. The manga’s title, which means “Reform with no Wasted Draws” is a parody of Junichiro Koizumi’s slogan, “Reform with no Sanctuary.”

Manga creator Ohwada may be better known to English speakers as the creator of the Dai Mahou Touge and Kido Senshi Gundam-san gag manga.

Source: Anime News Network


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