Hints Dropped At AWA 6

Some of the informative news to come out of the industry at this year’s Anime Weekend Atlanta convention were announcements not made, but rather hinted at.

At the ADV Films panel on Sunday, a fan suggested that the company license the Sunrise giant robot action TV series The Big O. The response given was that the show has already been licensed for US distribution, but the licensee could not be revealed.

At the Media Blasters panel discussion, a panelist actually involved with animation at the Nickelodeon television channel mentioned not being aware of any plans within the network to acquire anime for broadcast, although he did say that Nickelodeon was interested in possibly producing in-house projects with anime inspired themes. According to John Sirabella of Media Blasters, though, Nickelodeon “may” have some anime-related plans in the works, but he could not elaborate.

At the Toonami panel, a representative mentioned that the network is considering showing more mature non-anime animation in a late night time slot. The upcoming Samurai Jack TV series from the creator of the Power Puff Girls is going to make a departure from teen oriented slapstick humor to a more adventurous, action inspired format.

Source: Anime News Service


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