Game Tech News

SN Systems recently announced that it has released the SN TCP/IP stack, a utility that will let game developers implement internet compatibility into their PlayStation 2 software. The Japanese PlayStation 2 does not have internet compatibility, but the US version will include a modem allowing for online functionality such as web browsing, e-mailing, and online gaming. This narrow-band feature will be compatible with a wide selection of USB modems.

Sega, NEC, and Imagination Technologies have announced a partnership to develop the next generation of Sega arcade hardware to surpass the current Naomi technology. The new graphics chip to be used in Sega’s next arcade machine system is based on the Power VR architecture, a technology that incorporates an advanced Power VR co-processing engine that enables full hardware geometry transformation and lighting. Like the Naomi hardware, this new system will allow for multiple Power VR rendering processors in a single arcade game. “Sega has been working with NEC and Imagination Technologies to develop a system that utilizes PowerVR’s inherent scalability, and the new associated hardware geometry and lighting engine. It delivers a new, unmatched level of gaming experience to arcades worldwide,” said Hideki Sato, corporate senior Vice President of Sega Enterprises. Gamers may see this new arcade board premier in arcades as early as later this year.

Source: ZDNet Gamespot


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