Funimation Announcements

Funimation has officially opened its homepage for the original Dragonball television series at

Funimation has also officially announced the American home video release of Dragonball Z movie 4. Originally titled Dragonball Z: Super Saiya-jin Goku (although Goku doesn’t genuinely turn Super Saiyajin until movie 5), the film will be released in America on VHS and DVD (possibly simultaneously) under the title Dragonball Z: Lord Slug. The film is scheduled for American release on August 7th.

Funimation has also confirmed that the “eyecatch” segments that buffer the commercial breaks in the original Japanese Dragonball Z TV episodes, will be included on all forthcoming Dragonball Z TV series DVDs that aren’t yet already in production. This will apply to the Cell saga and beyond DVDs, and possibly the final Frieza saga DVDs.


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