FF X Staff Revealed

The Gaming Intelligence Agency has discovered the identities of the main staff behind Final Fantasy X. It comes as no surprise that Yoshinori Kitase, Kazushige Nojima, Yusuke Naora and Tetsuya Nomura will be reprising the positions from Final Fantasy 8 as director, and supervisors of scenario, art design and character design respectively. What does come as a surprise is Toshiro Tsuchida being tapped to design the game’s battle system. Tsuchida has previously created the battle system for the Front Mission mecha strategy games, and apparently will be bringing a similar turn based strategic element to the battle system of Final Fantasy X rather than the traditional Final Fantasy active time meter that determines the order of character actions.

The hero Tidus will be voiced by Seiichi Morita, and Yuna will be portrayed by Mayuko Aoki. Both are new to voice acting, having previously served as motion capture actors in FFVIII; Morita acting as Zell and Aoki acting as both Rinoa and Edea. Square explained the choices as an attempt to use voice actors that did not remind gamers of previous characters.


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