CPM Announcements from Animazement

Central Park Media representatives re-confirmed at last weekend’s Animazement convention that CPM does posess the American distribution rights to Shoujo Kakumei Utena episodes 14-26 (out of 39 total episodes) and will tentatively begin to release them by the end of the year.

The DVD re-release of the Record of Lodoss War OVA series will include a new, exclusive mini-comic.

The DVD re-release of Project A-ko will include a 40 minute long “making of” documentary and a re-issue of the soundtrack CD, and will be pan & scan, not widescreen. However, the Project A-ko animation was originally created in full-screen and was later cropped for Japanese theatrical release after its original Japanese debut on home video in full screen format.

The upcoming 2 disc special edition DVD re-release of Graveyard of Fireflies will include new interviews with director Isao Takahata and film critic Roger Ebert, an acknowledged fan of the film, and extensive liner notes explaining the history and elements of Japanese culture presented in the film.

Source: Anime News Network


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