Central Park at Anime Expo

CPM has episodes 14-26 of Revolutionary Gil Utena. They have the option on episodes 27-39 and they are negotiating for the movie. In a few months they will be ending their moratorium on subtitled VHS temporarily. Subtitled tapes will return for $14.95-$16.95, but not permanently. Starting later this year most of their new releases will be only on dub VHS & sub/dub DVD. On a case by case basis they may do a sub VHS, but only for the initial release pre-orders. They are working on getting Agent Aika 5-8. Apparently the DVD releases of some CPM titles done by Image, such as Project A-ko, were a sub-license. CPM was not happy with the releases, but cannot redo them until the license reverts back to them.

In regard to their recent run of dub only adult titles on VHS, the DVD versions will include subtitles. Regarding La Blue Girl, “it is indeed edited – but it wasn’t always. When they did their first VHS release in 1995 it was uncut. Then the US passed a law in 1996 making it illegal to show any minor or anyone *who appears to be a minor* in sexual situations. That bit is a huge grey area. Because of the concern they cut the sexual scenes with the little ninja guy because they didn’t want to risk someone deciding he looked like a minor. That law was just struck down in court. I asked him if they’d be putting the scenes back in, but he said probably not. They are trying to get a new La Blue Girl series that is going into production in Japan, and he said they’ve thought of putting the missing scenes on those discs.”

Source: Anime on DVD


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