Boogiepop Phantom Licensed

The Right Stuf has confirmed that they have licensed the Boogiepop Phantom TV series and are aiming for a very tentative July release. Boogiepop Phantom is a 12 episode horror series that was created by Triangle Staff just after they completed Serial Experiments Lain. EX Magazine has published an review of the series, which is justifiably compared to Lain, but is sometimes criticized for being too abstract and difficult to follow. EX Magazine has published an overview of the series that features a basic plot summary and images.

Regarding Kare Kano (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijoo), the frantic high-school romance/comedy TV series from Gainax, Right Stuf has provided a tentative American release date of September. Like AD Vision’s Excel Saga, the difficulty in translating (and merely keeping up with) Kare Kano’s frenetic, non-stop dialogue and humor may be a serious factor in the length of time it will take these titles to see their American release.

Source: Anime on DVD


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