Ask John: Why Isn’t Heavy Metal Used For Anime Theme Songs?

Who decides the bands that are played on the openings/closings for anime and why haven’t any metal bands like Sigh been used for opening/closing themes?

An anime production’s chief director is responsible for every aspect of production, so typically it’s the director that decides which song is used as the main theme for an anime. A director may also delegate responsibility for music composition and selection to the production’s music composer or music supervisor. For example, the director may describe the type of song he or she wants, then depend upon the music specialist to actually uncover or develop a song fitting the given criteria.

Although a director may be ultimately responsible for the music used in an anime production, directors often don’t have the liberty of selecting simply any piece of music they want. Licensing rights for pre-existing music come into play. And furthermore, future marketing concerns have a major impact on the decision making process. Anime theme songs are more than just an introduction to a show. Anime theme songs are an independent commodity that will be sold as CDs and promotional videos. And theme songs may be used to advertise the anime and affiliated merchandise. So anime production staffs have a responsibility and an obligation to not only use music that enhances the anime, but also serves as a marketable product.

Heavy metal music isn’t especially popular in Japan. While mainstream rock & roll acts like B’z, Porno Graffiti, and Lar’c~en~Ciel, along with gothic rockers like Gackt may be very successful, many Japanese hard rock and heavy metal bands like Sigh, Sex Machineguns, and Coaltar of the Deepers don’t seem to reach the same level of massive mainstream commercial success. Record companies that invest in anime want to sell theme song singles and soundtrack CDs. That requires music which appeals to conventional otaku and mainstream consumers.


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