Ask John: What is D4 Princess?

Just writing to blast your brain and get you to tell me everything you know about D4 Princess. From the first time I saw the opening video to this series I was in love with it. It’s just so darn catchy! I got the wallpaper, stickers, etc. I wanted to know if it’s ever going to get dubbed and maybe put on DVD. I have seen region 2 Japanese D4 Princess DVDs but I can’t play those! Do you know if any North American companies hold the rights to it as of today?

Two Anime Complex shows discussed within about a week! I really enjoy talking about these little gems because many of them are still relatively unknown in the US. D4 Princess was a 24 episode series of 10 minute episodes about the struggles of little Doris Ruridou to live on her own at a boarding school and master her “panzer” mecha fighting armor. The show has the classic stereotypical look of anime- big eyes, big mouths, big hair, bright colors and lots of cute girls wearing goofy battle armor. Early in the series, the humor and comedy may be a bit too infantile, and the series a bit too shoujo for some tastes, but the fight scenes during the middle of the show as a fast paced and violent as anything in the Dragonball Z TV series, and the later third of the series becomes more serious when Doris has to emotionally deal with the death of someone close to her heart.

To the best of my knowledge, no American licensor has yet picked up the translation and distribution rights to this series, but I’m personally still holding out hope that this series will get licensed for American release. Similar Anime Complex series including Neoranga and Kotetsu Tenshi Kurumi have been licensed by AD Vision, and Synch Point’s decision to translate the similar cute shoujo series Tenshi ni Narumon may set a precedent for this sort of bright, happy, childish shoujo action show.

If you’re highly interested in seeing this series, AnimeNation can special-order import copies of D4 Princess on Japanese DVD, and Odyssey Anime has fansubbed the entire series for the benefit of serious anime fans.


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