Ask John: Fushigi Yuugi OAVs?

I have a question about the anime Fushigi Yuugi. Are you going to have any of the OVA series when they are released?

Fushigi Yuugi has two OAV series that continue the TV series storyline. The first series is three half-hour episodes and essentially serves best as a transition between the conclusion of the TV series and the second, 6 episode OAV series, known as Shin Fushigi Yuugi. Pioneer recently announced that they do own the US translation and distribution rights to the main OAVs, but possibly not the rights to the “omake” parody sequences. The first series of Fushigi Yuugi OAVs included a series of comical “behind the scenes” shorts at the end of each OAV. The second OAV series included bonus “out-take” versions of selected scenes from each OAV at the end of each episode. These parody sequences were selected scenes from the preceding episode with slightly altered comical footage or new, parody dialogue. At the present time, Pioneer has not set a release date for these OAV series yet, but has announced plans for an eventual release on VHS and in a boxed DVD set. AnimeNation will carry these OAVs as soon as Pioneer releases them.


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