Ask John: Did Riki-Oh Ever Reach America?

Riki-Oh OVA

Has the Riki-Oh anime ever put out on DVD in the US by Media Blasters?

The Violence Hero Riki-Oh OVA series remains one of anime’s enigmatic treasures. Before I explain, let me provide some context. Writer Masahiko Takajo and illustrator Saruwatari Tetsuya Riki-Oh manga series was serialized from 1988 to 1990 and collected into a dozen manga volumes. The series followed young martial artist Saiga Riki-Oh in a post-apocalyptic anti-hero action drama not entirely unlike an exaggerated homage to Fist of the North Star. The first story from the original manga was somewhat loosely adapted into an ultra-violent 1989 anime OVA that actually toned down some of the most absurdly exaggerated violence and plot twists of the original manga. A second OVA that culled characters and bits of story from a wide swath of the manga followed in 1990. Director Lam Ngai Kai then produced a Chinese live action film adaptation of the first manga volume in 1991. Although the live action film, “The Story of Ricky” isn’t entirely faithful to its manga source, it’s actually a more literal adaptation of the original manga than the earlier 1989 OVA. The original OVA is quite beloved among anime fans for its distinctive visual design, gruesome gratuitous violence, and satisfying brutally masculine tone. The second OVA is widely regarded, among those who have seen it, as one of the worst single anime productions ever made. The cult classic live action movie was initially distributed on American home video by Tai-Seng Entertainment. It was re-released on American DVD by Media Blasters in 1991. The original two anime OVAs were released on Japanese VHS and laserdisc but never on DVD.

In the early 2000s, if I recall correctly, it was around 2001 or possibly 2002, Tampa, Florida based underground film licensor/distributor Unearthed Films quietly negotiated the acquisition of domestic distribution rights to the Riki-Oh anime, intending the title to be the company’s first release. The acquisition was never formally announced because it was never formally finalized. In 2006, while Unearthed Films was still in active negotiations for the title, Media Blasters publicly announced its acquisition of domestic distribution rights to both Riki-Oh OVAs. Shortly later Media Blasters announced the cancellation of its domestic release due to “licensing issues.” The root of the cancellation, in fact, wasn’t a dispute with Unearthed Films. In fact, both potential licensors discovered that the common Japanese licensor they’d been negotiating with did not actually own, manage, or represent the licensing rights for the Riki-Oh anime. As far as I know, no one’s really sure who the master copyright owner of the Riki-Oh anime actually is. So the series has never been re-released in Japan no has it ever been released on legitimately authorized American DVD. A few American retailers do still have obsolete retail listings for the solicited Media Blasters DVD, but the Media Blasters’ DVD was never actually produced.

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