Kyo Ani Announces Chuuni Byou Anime
|Kyoto Animation currently publishes author Torako’s light novel series Chuu Ni Byou Demo Koi ga Shitai! and has announced plans to produce an anime adaptation of the story. In 2009 commedian Hikaru Ijuin coined the phrase “chuuni-byou” (second grade disease) to refer to the common impression held by second-year middle-school students that they are unique and special. Torako’s light novel series is a romantic triangle story involving two girls who suffer from “chuuni-byou” delusions of grandeur who vye for the same boy. The light novel concept was recognized with an honorable mention in last year’s first Kyoto Animation Award competition.
Looks like, after a partial departure with Nichijou, KyoAni is back to animating bishoujo schoolgirls.
Source: Anime News Network