Why Wikipedia Isn’t Always a Reliable Source

Miami Guns

On a nostalgia trip, one of the former AnimeNation employees recently pointed out to me that the Wikipedia entry for AN Entertainment’s domestic DVD release of Miami Guns states, “Miami Guns has been released on DVD by AN Entertainment, as a formal apology for releasing Risky Safety. [citation needed]” Indeed a citation is needed because the “formal apology” claim is 100% fiction, albeit cynically funny. I initially watched the series in 2000, recorded from Japanese TV broadcast, and later showed it to the AN Entertainment crew who enjoyed it enough to license it for domestic release. We’re still proud of the release, and gratified to see that all four responses to the show that appeared in the first five pages of yesterday’s Anime News Network forum discussion about obscure licenses were positive:

“Miami Guns is a pretty decent comedy most of the time, by the way. The episode where the rich girl gets her allowance cut off and she immediately regresses into a sub-human ape-woman is pretty damned funny.”

“I was really digging Miami Guns until they serious’d up in the final episodes and the humor was no longer flowing. Wish they had just stuck to the original formula all the way through.”

“OK I will admit it. I kinda liked ‘Miami Guns.’ I am not sure why, but I did.”

“I recently reviewed Miami Guns and gave it an 8/10 lol… I really enjoyed its sense of complete and totally sillyness. I liked the parody parts it had to offer also. The whole thing felt like a show from Cartoon Network with some slightly more adult humour. I don’t know for 5 hours of entertainment it was good fun. I have even rewatched a couple of episodes”


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