Suzumiya Haruhi-chan Delayed

Suzumiya Haruhi-chan Delayed

Viewers that expected to see the first episode of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan web anime series during its scheduled premiere on YouTube last night instead found a 46 second sunset montage with the message, “It was not finished.” (Dekiagarimasen deshita.”)

Although not quite the same, the stand-in video clip, with its shots of sailboats, does recall the infamous replacement scenery montage aired by the TV Kanagawa network in September 2007 in place of School Days episode 12. One shot in the video clip that was captioned “nice boat” by an anonymous online fan, became an internationally recognized anime catch-phrase.

Ironically, just yesterday Newtype Magazine published a report on the dialogue recording for the Haruhi-chan and Churuya-san anime that reported everything was “going well” for a Friday the 13th premiere.

A new broadcast start date for the Haruhi-chan and Nyoron Churuya-san web anime has not been announced yet.

Source: Anime News Network

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