Ask John: Why Is Battle Angel Called Gally On The DVD?

I was wondering why Battle Angel Alita is called “Gally” on the DVD? Isn’t that very, very wrong? Or is it as I hope I would be, just a print error, and they call her by her right name on the DVD?

Actually, the discrepancy between the names Gally and Alita comes courtesy not of AD Vision, but from Viz. In the October 1993 issue of Animerica, Fred Burke, co-translator for the Viz Comics Battle Angel Alita manga explains that, “For a Viz Comic to work, it’s got to appeal to more than just the hard-core manga and anime crowd;” therefore there were several alterations made in the translation of the manga. Yukito Kishiro’s title Gunnm, a compound of Gun Dream, was re-named Battle Angel Alita. Gally, the protagonist, had her name changed to Alita, a name, Burke explains, means “noble:” a name that he discovered while searching through a book of baby names. Burke also explains that, for no reason given, the floating city Zalem was re-named Tiphares: a name meaning “beauty,” taken from the Qabalah and the mystical Tree of Life. Furthermore, Yugo’s name was given a cosmetic change to Hugo for American readers.


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