Ask John: What Is Going On With Satanika?

What is the current status on the Satanika anime that is supposed to be made into either a movie or OAV series?

I wish I could tell you, but I haven’t heard anything either. What may have happened is that Gelnn decided that the project was just too expensive to be worth it. On the other hand, the project may also still be in the works for the future. Remember also that Antarctic Comics had an opening animation to a proposed Warrior Nun Arela anime OAV series produced but then never followed up on it. The Japanese anime industry, on its own, has generally shown little motivation in producing anime adaptions of American stories. The single exception that I can think of is the Madhouse Studios co-production with Peter Chung, Alexander. Typically, anime features based on American comics, including Satanika, Warrior Nun Areala, and the upcoming Sin, Lady Death and Wu Tang Clan OAVs are not original Japanese inventions, but rather animation commissioned and paid for mainly by the American licenser. Glenn Danzig, then, paid much of the cost of the Satanika music video himself. Antarctic Comics ran a fund-raising marketing campaign to gather money to have more Areala animation produced. AD Vision is providing much of the money necessary to complete the Sin and Lady Death OAVs.


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